Indoor Pollutants

When we think of pollutants, petrol fumes, ozone damage, smog, and heavy metal residue may come to mind. However, research suggests that the skin is also vulnerable to indoor air pollutants. Although the connection between indoor air pollution and the skin is not always immediately noticeable, common symptoms of poor indoor air quality include skin dryness, premature aging, acne, rashes, and eczema. Indoor air pollution can come in different forms, such as dust, harsh cleaners, scented candles, and chemicals like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and oxides. Fortunately, you can address indoor pollution pretty easily. Here are some tips: (1) Use unscented products and read labels on cleaning products before purchasing. (2) Improve indoor ventilation to flush out irritants. (3) Vacuum your home regularly to keep dust away. (4) Keep HVAC filters clean, so they can catch particles affecting indoor air quality.

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