Sunscreen Pilling

Regardless of the time of year or weather, wearing sunscreen every day is non-negotiable. This is why sunscreen pilling--when it happens--can be very frustrating, especially when you need to repeat your entire skincare routine to fix it. Luckily, there are ways to stop sunscreen from becoming grainy on your skin. Follow the tips ahead to troubleshoot your beauty routine for smooth sunscreen application. (1) Exfoliate. Regularly exfoliate the skin to remove dead cells and boost the absorption of skincare products. (2) Cut back on products. More is not necessarily better when using skincare products. In fact, using too many products can work against you, throwing off your microbiome and causing irritation, dryness, and product pilling. (3) Take your time with layering. Wait 30-60 seconds between products to let any visible dewiness subside before moving on to the next.

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